Leaderart International
For over a decade we’ve been fostering change in teams, organizations and the society by empowering people to lead, impact and achieve their unique goals – most important to achieve sustainable results and quality interpersonal relations.
Our innovative solutions are deeply grounded on extensive research and rigorous professional experience from our team and partners. Drawing on a wealth of experiences, cultures, industries and disciplines worldwide, we help transform and build leaders and high performance professionals for the real world, their lives and of those around.
We develop leadership products and coaching programs that reflect today’s changing and demanding market. Each of our programs is designed as a module and can therefore function on its own or can be combined with other programs to create a uniquely integrated approach to develop leadership and boost high performance.
Leaderart International
For over a decade we’ve been fostering change in teams, organizations and the society by empowering people to lead, impact and achieve their unique goals – most important to achieve sustainable results and quality interpersonal relations.
Our innovative solutions are deeply grounded on extensive research and rigorous professional experience from our team and partners. Drawing on a wealth of experiences, cultures, industries and disciplines worldwide, we help transform and build leaders and high performance professionals for the real world, their lives and of those around.
We develop leadership products and coaching programs that reflect today’s changing and demanding market. Each of our programs is designed as a module and can therefore function on its own or can be combined with other programs to create a uniquely integrated approach to develop leadership and boost high performance.

Built on strong experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, LeaderArt is fast being recognised as a leader in human resource development.
We deliver high impact training solutions through robust content, applied learning principles and credentialed international coaches.
Clients can choose either public or in-house courses. In-house courses are ideal for organisations that seek a level of customization and flexibility on the timing and location of the training.
Below are some of the programs we currently offer.
Assessments Tools
Self-awareness is the foundation of all LeaderArt programs. Highly effective leaders are highly self-aware. We build this foundation through assessments tools that are credible, validated and benchmarked against best practices and proven measures of success.
DiSC® Assessments
The DISC online assessment is a resource for all types of individuals and organizations; public or private, large or small. It will bring clarity in determining how appropriately and effectively you apply your knowledge and feelings in a given situation
Emotional Intelligence
The Emotional Intelligence (EIQ-2) assessment helps you understand the way you apply your emotional intelligence in terms of style, preferences and behavior.
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